The most important thing to remember when thinking about starting a photography business is that it is a BUSINESS. If you plan to run a business, you are responsible to abide by the laws where you live.
Please note: This page does not contain legal advice. I am not a lawyer or an accountant, and I am not going to pretend to tell you everything you need to do in your location to start a business. Here are some tips to help point you in the right direction:
Laws vary by town/city, and state, and are different depending on where you live in the world. Don’t necessarily rely on information you find on the internet- that information may not apply to where you live. Do your research locally and regionally to find out what steps you need take to officially start a business. If you live in the United States: For some helpful general information visit the U.S. Small Business Administration. Also check your local and state websites for helpful information
You will need to find out about registering your business name (DBA), getting a business license, zoning laws, business taxes.
Decide what type of business you will have: Will you register as a Sole Proprietor, LLC, etc.
An accountant can help you with the financial aspects- taxes to charge clients, deductions, etc.
You will need to be insured in some way. Liability insurance costs may vary depending on what type of photography business you plan to have.