Calling all Homeschool Photographers!— If you are a homeschool student or parent with a photography-related (photography, image-editing, graphic design, etc.) or homeschool-related website/blog, let me know, and I will consider adding a link on this site. Even if you don’t have a website, I’d love to hear from you!
Do you like to write? I don’t make any claims to be the best writer or photographer. If you have something that could benefit this site, I may post or link to your photo-related article- Guest bloggers are welcome! It would be great to fill this site with homeschooler-created material! Let me know.
Homeschool Photography Course– I have considered creating an interactive online photography course. Would you be interested?
Homeschool Photography Network/Forum– I have some ideas on this, but forums are difficult to start. It takes a lot of content/posts to attract new members, and it takes new members to produce a lot of content! Please let me know what you think!