How to Start a Photography Business In Arkansas

How to Start a Photography Business In Arkansas

Here is how to start a photography business in Arkansas:
Here is a website that will help if you want to start a business in Arkansas:

1. Select your business structure.

Sole-proprietor, LLC, Partnership, Corporation, etc.  Most small business owners start out as sole-proprietors.  Find out more here: Business Structures In Arkansas

2. Register your photography business name with the state of Arkansas.

Find out more about registering your business name here:  Fictitious Name Application

If you need help choosing a business name: How To Choose A Photography Business Name

3.  Register your photography business with the state of Arkansas.

You can get started registering your business with the state of Arkansas here:

4. Open a Business Checking Account.

You will need to open a separate bank account for your photography photography business with your new business name.

5. Find out about taxes, hire an accountant.

You may want to file your own taxes if you are a small company. As you grow, it will be easier to have an accountant do the work. Make sure you research sales tax guidelines.  More information about taxes here: and .

6. Consider Liability Insurance.

You may want to look into liability insurance.  You will want to be protected in the event of a photography-related catastrophe.

7. Get Health Insurance.

Since you will be self-employed, you will need your own health insurance.  If you have employees, you will need a plan that will include their health needs also.

8. City License.

You may be required to obtain a license operate your business in a particular locale, whether you are a resident, or not.

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